(게스트티쳐 Haein & Lucie와 함께 하는 카이젠 봄 아크로캠프와 핸드스탠드 마스터클래스 자세한 내용은
Kaizen has been rocking and rolling with their seasonal Acro Camps and we are stoked to present guest teachers/superstar/superwomen: Haein + Lucie!
HAEIN CHO | (Belgium)
HAEIN CHO is a Yoga teacher, Watsu therapist & level 2 AcroYoga teacher. She travels in Europe and Asia sharing her passion for movement and inspiring people to unlock their full potential. Haein shares AcroYoga as a practice that is available for every body, age, and ability, aiming to support all beings through movement, connection, and play. With a background in Aquatic body work & dance, she brings in a unique softness in her Acro Yoga practice with a fine balance between effortless movement and body control. She runs Haein Yoga Studio in Brussels, Belgium.
LUCIE BEYER | (Germany)
LUCIE BEYER, resident in Berlin, Lucie facilitate international workshops, trainings & retreats. As a certified Yoga & AcroYoga- teacher (Level 2) and passionate Bodyworker, she seeks for a playful approach, yet deeply rooted in the yoga tradition. In her work, she emphasise great importance to a wholesome, trusting relationship, to develop their full potential of the people of all ages. Lucie co-organized among others the German AcroYoga Festival " German Kula Celebration."
Haein + Lucie will explore and articulate key aspects of playing with with gravity and movements. Through these workshops, we will develop strength using training inspired from different movement disciplines to make sure that you stay strong and sensitive. As always, we will continue cultivating awareness balancing strength with sensitivity to avoid common injuries and build an AcroYoga practice that is sustainable. We will also get a taste of AcroYoga's therapeutic aspects and its principle of community. There will be plenty of content covered so make sure to arrive with a clear mind and an open heart!
*As this is a level II intensive, please have some AcroYoga experience.
*Students will receive a certificate of participation for competing 15hr of ongoing training.
March 3 (Friday) 7-9PM: HANDSTAND MASTER CLASS* (details below)
March 4 (Saturday) 10-7PM: Acro Camp pt. I
March 5 (Sunday) 9-5PM: Acro Camp pt. II
270,000₩ | early bird price 250,000₩ (ends Friday, 2.17!!!!)
*see below of payment details
*HANDSTAND MASTER CLASS | March 3 (Friday); 7-9PM
These talented ladies have dedicated many hours to learning the art of getting upside down. They will also be leading a special HANDSTAND MASTER CLASS in addition to Acro Camp. Special pricing for Acro Camp participants.
We cannot believe the powerhouse of talent that is embodied by Haein + Lucie. They are making the long trek from Europe to train with us: don't miss this chance!!!!!
60,000₩ | 50,000₩ (early bird- ends 2.17!)
Kaizen students | 40,000₩ (must be registered by 2.17.)
Acro Camp Participants | 40,000₩; 25,000₩ (Kaizen students)
Busan Bank #112-2057-1302-01 (YUM Mee Ok)
A big thank you to all of our enthusiastic supporters and ongoing participants from all over Korea. We love sharing this beautiful practice with you and your supports enables us to keep upping the game here and share these talented teachers with you. We can't wait for Spring Acro Camp!