Investment :
5hrs (1 day) | 120,000w (24,000w/hr)
10hrs (2 days) | 190,000w (19,000w/hr)
How to register: contact Simon via IG (@kaizenyogasimon)
Saturday, July 22 | Ashtanga in Focus
jump back jump through
The bad news: practice doesn’t make perfect;
The good news!: perfect practice makes perfect.
Ashtanga is an amazing journey but I know sometimes I get a lil’ hungry for some hacks to move the process along! You’re in luck! There’s tons of amazing gems hidden in the postures throughout the sequence that are the key to unlocking the more challenging postures!
10am-12pm | Make Ya Wanna Jump!
Ask yourself- are you flying or are you flinging? I want to help you strengthen up your wings and fly through your vinyasas with beauty and grace! In this two hour master class, we’ll look at how to build step by step to jumping back and jumping through! (psss… we’re the only studio around with some very special secret tools (handmade props) to help you get there!)
12-1pm | break for lunch
Hips/Hands/Hearts in Focus
1-2pm | Hips
Do you need to get your leg behind your head? No. But do you want to? Sure! Why not!
We all know the cliche- “it’s the journey, not the destination.” This master class is the roadmap.
2-3pm | Hands
It’s not enough to ask you to balance on your hands, but this pose asks you to tip gently forward like molasses and *kiss* the floor with your chin AND THEN somehow change animals and before flying back and landing into one of the most demanding postures in the whole sequence! In this master class, we’re putting pause on “one breath, one movement” and giving ourselves permission to break the pieces apart, play with them 1-by-1 before putting it together in one dynamic symphony of movement.
3-4pm | Heart
it takes a lot to be open- literally and figuratively. “Having heart” in backbends and dropbacks are about trust- trust in yourself, trust in your supporter (teacher.) In this master class, we learn that trust isn’t blind. It’s built on awareness, intuition, and patience.
Sunday, July 23 | Acro Magic
We are better together!
10am-12pm | Montreal- where shapes are made!
Montreal style is based on reciprocity. This is the exchange of body weight, ideas, strength, struggles. In this workshop, we will focus on the concept of counterbalances and creative process making shapes unique to each partnership.
(No acro specific experience required, but must have some movement/sports experience. Must be able to hold your own body weight in a plank for 60 secs.)
12-1pm | break for lunch
1-2:30pm | Flying Therapeutics
You know what’s better than a massage? A flying massage. Here you will learn some basic techniques to help stretch out the spine and decompress the neck and shoulders using gravity for you rather than against you.
(No experience required. Must be comfortable touching and being touched by others as we will rotate partners to experience different body proportions.)
2:30-4pm | Washing Machine- let’s take a spin!
This is the acro that is so eye-catching on IG. “Washing machines” are a series of movements that run continuously. Some washing machines are brain, others are brawn, but they are always fun!
(No acro experience required- must be able to hold a 60 second plank.)